However, the incident did allow Wesley to display his genius, having him save the ship by solving a problem in his head that would take anyone else weeks to figure out, including the Chief Engineer, by proposing that they turn the starship's tractor beam into a repulsor beam to push away the Enterprise.

This put the Enterprise in danger when a stellar core fragment was hurtling in their direction. When in 2364 the crew of the Enterprise became intoxicated with polywater and exhibited unusual manic behavior, Wesley, who had also became intoxicated, took control of engineering, appointing himself acting captain Wesley Crusher and barricading himself in engineering, watching as Jim Shimoda pulled out most of the isolinear chips that controlled the navigational system of the ship. Wesley excelled at his studies aboard the vessel and, through primary school, found himself participating in work-study programs alongside many of the Enterprise's senior officers. These same characteristics were, in part, the cause of Wesley suffering from loneliness early on, as his peers were intimidated by his bright mind – he also showed a tendency to take his duties almost too seriously. Wesley often was a challenge and sore sight in the captain's eyes, even if he was the son of a good friend, because of the captain's disdain for children, although Wesley's astuteness and knowledge of engineering, as well as top grades on scientific examinations continuously impressed Picard. Ten years later, fifteen-year-old Wesley found himself living aboard the starship USS Enterprise-D when his mother, Doctor Beverly Crusher became Captain Picard's chief medical officer aboard the ship. ( TNG: " Encounter at Farpoint", " The Bonding", " True Q", " Attached") In time he came to understand the situation that Picard and his father were in, but unknowingly developed a fear of being faced with the same dilemma that Picard had to deal with. For some time, Wesley would remain angry at Picard for surviving when his father did not, although this faded as he got older.

Wesley would remember the look in the captain's eyes when he broke the news to Wesley and his mother. Picard was forced to choose between saving another team member or Crusher, his personal friend, and Crusher ended up losing his life. When Wesley was five years old in 2353, his father, Jack Crusher, was killed during an away mission while serving on board the USS Stargazer under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (2nd ed., p. Jack also noted that he had some disreputable ancestors, including a horse thief on Nimbus III. Another ancestor died in the surprise attack on Station Salem-One. One ancestor fought in the American Civil War – on the Confederate side – in the opening battle of the conflict at Bull Run. The same scene established that Wesley had several ancestors whom Jack considered "heroes". A deleted scene from "Family" showed that Wesley was named after Jack's grandfather, Richard Wesley Crusher.